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March 18, 2022 (15 Adar II 5782) Pesach Preparation Dear Friends, I hope this correspondence find you doing well, in good health and good cheer. We hope that you will be able to join us this Shabbat for our hybrid services at 10:30AM, which will take place both in person as well as on our NEW Zoom prayer link. We continue to build our in-service attendance each Shabbat, and we are grateful for your participation, in whatever manner works for you! Despite the craziness in the world, this past week we had the opportunity to join as a community to do what Jews always do, celebrate our peoplehood. We gathered on Wednesday night to hear an authentic presentation of Megillat Esther by Dr. Yakobi, who fascinated us with his biblical rendition of the text in Yerushalmi trope. The Cantor led us in spirited song, and we welcomed back many faces to the building. It was really a terrific night! The occurrence of Purim, however, always comes with the caveat that Pesach is only a month away! Indeed, it is time to start making an inventory of the remaining Chametz, think about shopping, create Seder guest lists and learning themes, and consider other preparations. To that end, in the next few days we will be updating our website with a list of all the services for Passover, as well as the form for the sale of your Chametz. No doubt, for many of us, the situation in the Ukraine is of grave concern. As always, Jewish organizations worldwide are at the forefront of offering relief to those in trouble. As we think about the main themes of Passover, liberty and self-determination, I wanted to quickly share a brief list of some organizations who are doing yeoman’s work by collecting funds and assisting to ameliorate the difficult and troubling circumstances in that part of the world. Please consider a donation to one of these organizations, or of course, a charity of your choice, as part of your spiritual preparation for Pesach. Masortiolami.org is the umbrella organization of Masorti (Conservative) Jewish communities and institutions and is working directly with Ukraine Masorti Jews. Their efforts include evacuation of refugees from Ukraine to safe places; provision of basic necessities such as food, clothing, and transportation, and caring of the elderly and those unable to flee. The Tikva Childrens Home in Odessa has launched an Emergency Ukraine Relief Campaign as it evacuates over 650 orphans, students, alumni, and their families from the war zone into neighboring Moldova. The Afya Foundation is working in partnership with US-Ukraine-Foundation and others to support the Ukrainian medical community and refugees seeking aid. Afya’s Disaster Response Hub has been preparing wound care, surgical equipment, and biomedical equipment to be shipped. As we enter Shabbat and start thinking about Pesach, we pray for peace for all of us and throughout the world in order to fulfill the vision of the prophet, “they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war anymore (Isaiah 2:4).” Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Eric L. Wasser, EdD.