Shir Shel Shavua

March 8, 2025

Sun Ray - קרן שמש

Dear Friends,

This week's parasha speaks of the ner tamid, the light in the Mishkan that is to kept burning at all times, rekindled when necessary.

Sagui Dekel Chen, after nearly 500 days in captivity, has returned home to his family. In this moving video, he sings a song called "Ray of Hope," and speaks beautifully of how singing to his children in his mind is what kept him going, fighting for life, as a hostage in Gaza. He reminds us that we can never let our flame of hope be extinguished, even when, and especially when, life and the world can be a heavy and painful place.

Od lo avda tikvateinu (עוד לא אבדה תקוותנו), we have yet to lose our hope, and we pray that we never will. Am Yisrael Chai.

Hope you enjoy!